General troubleshooting

Troubleshooting bundling

You might need some help bundling packages from the Nym Typescript SDK into your package.

Here are some things that could go wrong:

WebAssembly (WASM) and web worker not included in output bundle


You might need to use the CopyPlugin by adding this to your Webpack config:

const CopyPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
    plugins: [
        new CopyPlugin({
            patterns: [
                from: path.resolve(path.dirname(require.resolve('@nymproject/mix-fetch/package.json')), '*.wasm'),
                to: '[name][ext]',
                from: path.resolve(path.dirname(require.resolve('@nymproject/mix-fetch/package.json')), '*worker*.js'),
                to: '[name][ext]',

How does this work? The statement require.resolve('@nymproject/mix-fetch/package.json') finds the disk location of the Nym SDK package, and resolve the directory name is path.dirname, the add the *.wasm glob to the search pattern list. Use [name][ext] to preserve the output filename, because the package expects the filename to stay the same.

ESM not supported

If your bundler does not support ECMAScript Modules (ESM), CommonJS packages are supported for most parts of the SDK.

For those that don't have ESM versions, you will need to use a tool like Babel (opens in a new tab) to convert ESM to CommonJS.

CSP prevents loading

If you are using a *-full-fat package, or if you inline WASM or web workers, you may not be able to load them if the CSP (opens in a new tab) prevents WASM from being instantiated from a string.

You'll have to experiment with either adjusting the CSP or use another variant that is unbundled.